Our Laser Engraving process uses a laser beam to alter the surface of our gift items without removing any material in some surfaces. This allows us to expand our product line immesely.
The laser reacts differently to different materials. On glass and crystal, it will etch into the surface of the material, not digging deep, just leaving a crisp white image on the material that can be barely felt when touched. On wood, it burns the material leaving a deep groove depending on the species of wood. On acrylic, it melts the material leaving a white colored deep groove for the image. On aluminum, the laser removes color out of the anodizing process leaving a white image on the surface. On marble, the laser stains the marble leaving a white image on the stone. With stainless steel, the process of adding a special formula with the laser and the material, the image is adhered to the stainless or chrome surface leaving a black image. Our ceramic items are burned through the surface revealing the white underneath for the image. Leather is burned on the surface by the laser leaving a darker brown image.