Always keep your cards on you with these beautiful business card cases. When you're at a show or a meeting, flip open the case all the way and use it as a display card holder. They are crafted from either maple or rosewood and can be personalized on the top and on the inside.
Available in two styles
- Maple 4-1/8" x 2-5/8" x 9/16"
- Rosewood 4" x 2-1/2" x 1/2"
Personalize our gifts with our No Limit Guarantee! Our gifts are 100% customizable. We don't have any character or line limits and no strict image requirements. I will work with you to design your item you request it. My only limit is the size of the piece and if my machines will be able to do it. I can resize most text and images to fit on the pieces instead placing limitations on personalization.